With our prepaid budgets you save time, money and effort when ordering. Order a prepaid budget once instead of approving each order individually. Your employees can then call up the budget and place orders independently and without further administrative effort. And you decide who can access the budget.
Another advantage: With prepaid budgets you can save up to 15%.From now on we offer you a further service: You will find many of the M5 and M3 XXT styli in the shop marked as "express product". If you order these products before ten o'clock, we will hand them over the same day to our shipping service, which will deliver them to you immediately. You will receive your order very quickly.
What does the ideal stylus system look like? It should be as stiff, light and stable as possible with few connecting elements. With ZEISS stylus systems, you can come as close as possible to the ideal stylus system. In addition to individual components, we offer a comprehensive service for your ideal stylus system.
It consists of:
- Easy configuration with the Stylus System Creator
- Expert advice and optimization when creating your system
- Factory assembly of the stylus system
- Stylus system is fully tested before shipment
- Laser welding of the connection pieces available for serial measurement